Thursday, May 20, 2004

A small change..and a request...

I was wondering why many more of you didn't leave comments, when I realised that the formatting was such that it would only allow comments by 'registered users'. Incredibly sorry about that!
So please do go ahead and leave your comments behind. Obviously try not to be abusive, although if you are, I shall be inclined to leave them there to show you up!

One other thing, I am woefully ignorant of the intricacies of state politics in India. In particular, I know very little about politics in the North East. So if you are from the North East, or you are familiar with the region, please message me with a summary of what the election results mean for the region. Also it would be good if you could talk about whether Manmohan as PM would make a difference to Assam.


Blogger Atul Arora said...

Have you turned on Atom link(XML feed)? It will help reading your blog thorugh a blogreader.

1:54 PM  
Blogger BeeDee said...

Dear Atul,
Will correct is asap.
Sorry, didn't check!

4:01 PM  

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